“Botanical King” - Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon)

Conservation Status: Least Concern. Belted Kingfishers need access to bodies of water for feeding, and vertical earthen banks for nesting. They hunt in unclouded water that allows them to see prey below the surface, with perches nearby but minimal vegetation obstructing the water. Some of their most common habitats are streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, estuaries, and calm marine waters. During the breeding season, Belted Kingfishers breed throughout most of North America at elevations up to 9,000 feet. They winter in similar habitats, as well as in mangroves, swamps, and brackish lagoons in the Central American parts of their wintering range.

“Botanical King”
Chesapeake Series

English cotton fabrics, Italian Threads on dyed cork fabric.

Professionally framed and matted with museum glass.